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2. Inspection Practices forPressure VesselsDownstreamSegmentRECOMMENDED PRACTICE 572THIRD EDITION, NOVEMBER 2009 1 3.Special NotesAPI publications necessarily address problems of ageneral nature. With respect to particular circtJmstances,local,state, and federal laws and regulations should bereviewed.NeIther API nor any of APIs employees, subcontractors,consultants, commIttees, or oltler assignees make anywarranty orrepresentation, either express or implied, with respect to theaccuracy, completeness, or usefulness of theinformation containedherein, or assume any liability or responsibility for any use, orthe results of such use, of anyinformation or process disclosed inthis publication. Neither API nor any of APIs employees,subcontractors,consultants, or other assignees represent that useof this publication would not infringe upon privately ownedrights.Classified areas may vary depending on the location,conditions, equipment, and substances involved In anygivensituation. Users of this recommended practice (RP) shouldconsult with the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction.Usersof thIs RP should not rely exclusively on the Infonnation containedIn this document Sound business, scientific,engIneering, and safetyJudgment should be used In employing the Infonnation containedherein.API is not undertaking to meet the duties of employers,manufacturers, or suppliers to warn and properly train andequiptheir employees, and others exposed, conceming health and safetyrisks and precautions, nor undertaking theirobligations to complywith authorities having jurisdiction.Information concerning safetyand health risks and proper precautions with respect to part/cularmaterials andconditions should be obtained from the employer. themanufacturer or supplier of that material, or the materialsafetydatasheet.API publications may be used by anyone desiring todo so. Every effort has been made by the Institute to assuretheaccuracy and reliability of the data contained In them; however,the Institute makes no representation, warranty. orguarantee Inconnection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims anyliability or responsibility fur loss ordamage resulting from itsuse or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdictionwith which this publication mayconflictAPI publications arepublished to facilitate the broad availability of proven. soundengineering and operatingpractices. These publications are notIntended to obviate the need for applying sound engineeringjudgmentregarding when and where these publications should beutilized. The formUlation and publication of API publicationsIs notintended In any way to inhibit anyone from using any otherpractices.Arty manufacturer marl!.ing equipment or materials inconformance with the marking requirements of an API standardissolely responsible for complying with all the applicablerequirements of that standard. API does not represent,warrant, orguarantee that such products do In fact conform to the applicableAPI standard.All rights reselVed. No part of this woric may bereproduced. translated, stored in a retrieval system, ortransmitted by any means, eleclronlc. mechanical, photocopying.recording. or othefwise. wi1hoot prior written permission from thepublisher. Contact thePublisher, API Publishing Services, 1220 Lstreet. NW, Washington. DC 20005. Copyright e 2009 AmeriClJnPetroleum I